Namespaces are such a common part of todays XML that it is worth introducing them sooner rather than later. The input document simply adds the namespace declaration to the document element as shown in Example 4.1, “An input document with a namespace”. No other changes are needed (which is as it should be).
Example 4.1. An input document with a namespace
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <doc xmlns=""><chapter id="c1"> <title>chapter title</title> <para>Chapter content</para> </chapter> <chapter id="c2"> <title>chapter title</title> <para>xx</para> <para>yy</para> <para>zz</para> </chapter> <chapter id="c3"> <para>Invalid first child of chapter</para> <title>chapter title</title> <para>xx</para> <para>yy</para> <para>zz</para> </chapter> </doc>
When it comes to the Schematron file, there are quite a few
changes to be made. Example 4.2, “The Schematron file using namespaces” shows the
changes. Additionally I've removed the report
element counting the number of paragraphs
to improve the output readability.
Example 4.2. The Schematron file using namespaces
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <iso:schema xmlns="" xmlns:iso="" xmlns:sch="" xmlns:dp ="" queryBinding='xslt2' schemaVersion="ISO19757-3"> <iso:title>Test ISO schematron file. Introduction mode </iso:title> <iso:ns prefix="dp" uri="" /><iso:pattern id="doc.checks"> <iso:title>checking an XXX document</iso:title> <iso:rule context="dp:doc">
<iso:report test="dp:chapter">Report date.<iso:value-of select="current-dateTime()"/></iso:report> <iso:assert test="count(dp:chapter) = 3" >There should be 3 chapters only</iso:assert> </iso:rule> </iso:pattern> <iso:pattern id="chapter.checks"> <iso:rule context="dp:chapter"> <iso:assert test="dp:title">Chapter should have a title</iso:assert> <iso:assert test="count(dp:para) >= 1">A chapter must have one or more paragraphs</iso:assert> <iso:assert test="*[1][self::dp:title]">Title must be first child of chapter</iso:assert> <iso:assert test="@id">All chapters must have an ID attribute</iso:assert> </iso:rule> </iso:pattern> </iso:schema>
Note that the context
and test
attributes both now refer to the
namespace by its prefix, which is declared in the ns
element near the top of the file. Running
this provides the output as in Example 4.3, “The resultant output”
Example 4.3. The resultant output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <svrl:schematron-output xmlns:dp=""xmlns:xs="" xmlns:svrl="" xmlns:sch="" xmlns:iso="" xmlns:xsd="" title="Test ISO schematron file. Introduction mode " schemaVersion="ISO19757-3"> <svrl:ns-prefix-in-attribute-values uri="" prefix="dp"/>
<svrl:active-pattern name="doc.checks" id="doc.checks"/> <svrl:fired-rule context="dp:doc"/> <svrl:successful-report test="dp:chapter"> <svrl:text>Report date.2007-01-20T16:21:23.135Z</svrl:text> </svrl:successful-report> <svrl:active-pattern name="chapter.checks" id="chapter.checks"/> <svrl:fired-rule context="dp:chapter"/> <svrl:fired-rule context="dp:chapter"/> <svrl:fired-rule context="dp:chapter"/> <svrl:failed-assert test="*[1][self::dp:title]">
<svrl:text>Title must be first child of chapter</svrl:text> </svrl:failed-assert> </svrl:schematron-output>
I left the one remaining error in there to show that there is no change (other than the reported test attribute values). I hope you'll agree, a little more complicated, but no big deal if you are used to using namespaces.