All material on schematron.com is © Copyright Rick Jelliffe 1999-2021, unless otherwise
stated. frag-bg-primary s-col s-px-8 s-pt-8 s-pb-10
Text and Images
- Unless otherwise stated, all English text and images on this site are licensed with
the Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0.
- The "Schematron Tutorial" is copyright David Pawson and licensed by the GNU Free Documentation Project GFDL.
- The "Schematron Open Documentation" project is expected to be copyright Rick Jelliffe (as editor) and licensed under
the GFDL, to ensure integrity.
Code, Schemas and Markup
- Unless otherwise stated, codes, schemas, and markup examples in articles and the "Schematron
Open Documentation" are Public Domain. This allows any use, without attribution.
- Extracts from the ISO Schematron public schemas are used in accordance to the license
in the headers.
- Unless otherwise stated, any files of computer code or markup or schemas are available
under the MIT License or GPL (v2 or later) . This is intended to allow commercial and non-commercial projects
to use them in any way without fuss, including forks.
- Schematroll, the Schematron mascot, is a cross between the marsupials the Bilby and
the Bettong. North and West Hemisphere people sometimes think it is some kind of rabbit
or donkey, due to the reluctance of these excellent creatures to appear in television
- Schematroll should preferably be pink (hot pink, french pink, mexican pink, punch
pink, rouge pink, bubblegum pink, fuchsia, not red, not magenta), or olive green.
- Schematroll was drawn by Cody Chang with Rick Jelliffe, and is free for use on Schematron-related
products under the Upstream Compatability License and the Apache License (2.0 or above).
Permission is specifically not granted for use in any context where Schematron is
not explicitly mentioned or involved.
Implementation Code
- Both the Schematron "skeleton" implementation and the SchXslt implementation are available
with the MIT License.
- Schematron and RELAX NG schemas for ISO Schematron provide and open and free license
in their headers; the license is the same as the ISO 8879:1986 standard public entity
sets for SGML with an additional clause requiring that modified files state that they
are modified.
Schematron IP
- Schematron was invented in 1999 at Academia Sinica Computing Centre, Academia Sinica,
Taiwan, by Rick Jelliffe, as a community service, and immediately publicized. It
formed the basis of an international standard, IS 19757-3:2006, 2016, 2020.
- There have been no known or claimed IP overlaps in the subsequent 23 years. (Patent
attorneys please note that if drafting a patent which builds on Schematron, you must
not include a claim that merely recites Schematron without an innovative step.)
- For 2017 look at 12 patents which mention Schematron in their claims, see Schematron-related patents.