A language for making assertions about the presence or absence of patterns in linked XML documents, and reporting them in useful ways.


What Makes Schematron Unique?

Who Uses Schematron?

What is Schematron used for?

USE-CASE: Schematron has helped organize the monitorig of services during the  COVID epidemic: in the US, real-time data on Emergency Medical admissions and causes is collected by National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS). Schematron has allowed them a practical route to having subject-matter experts specify rules in plain English, then developers implement exactly those rules. Read their excellent Schematron Guide, or see their online Library of national and state-level Schematron Rules. (Hint: try “PA”)

Open Source Implementations


Open Standard

Open Licensing

In the long run, I think Schematron may well be the XML project’s greatest technical legacy to the world.
Simon St Laurent, Technical Journalist and O’Reilly Editor, xml-DEV list, 19 May 2016


Cheat Sheet

Schematron Topics

Pesky Humans

Fundamental Concepts

Understanding Assertions


Document Metrics and Testing

Converting XML Schemas to Schematron


Schematron extended

Beyond Schematron

RAN 乱 - a modernized XML for parallel parsing

Apatak - streaming validation of arbitrary segments

Feature Grammars - a little language for feature extraction

PRESTO - all documents; each grain; any formats; every URL

Thought patterns and schema languages

XML beyond XML

Schema Languages real and imagined

Computer Languages, Libraries